The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released by Bethesda Softworks on November 11th, 2011. Featuring dragons, a plot featuring the prophesied end of the world, and a protagonist capable of shouting people off of cliffs, it won near-universal acclaim. Even after the release of Fallout 4, it's cultural influence can be felt even today.
I hate it.
Okay, it's a bit more complicated than that. When the game came out, I had basically wanted to play Skyrim since forever. Since I was quite young when it came out, I didn't get to (which was probably for the best). Five years later, I finally did; and for the PC no less! With excitement and trepidation and three weeks of waiting, I booted up Skyrim for the first time.
One hundred and fifteen hours. One hundred and fifteen hours of a game I have modded to Oblivion and back, until it can't even be considered Skyrim any more. But I can't tear myself away from it. So that's what this series is: my one last hurrah before leaving Skyrim for the foreseeable future. For future reference, comments from me the writer will be in italics. Our hero's perspective will use the default font.
But enough about me. Let's get on with the main attraction:
The first thing you do in Skyrim is create your character. Now, I'm using the Live Another Life mod, so we're actually not going to start where most will on their first journey to Skyrim. And by "create your character" I meant "pick your race." Now the world of Skyrim has many races for you to play as. Let's look at some now:
Generic Viking Dude... |
Generic Elf thing... |
Have black people not been invented yet? |
GAH! Jesus f@ck! |
I decide to stick with what I know and play as a Viking (foolishly called Nords by Bethesda). All that Crusader Kings 2 experience will finally come in handy! Now to mess around with sliders and stuff.
They can never take our freedom! |
Ultimately, I decide on a scowly-looking black-haired dude. Now to pick a name. Every internet persona has a favorite character name they use: Adam DeCamp uses Cahmel, Splattercat uses Mad Dog McGriddle. Ultimately, I decide on a few finalists that seem both relevant and lore-appropriate.
Too blase |
Sounds like something out of Scary Movie |
This one is blatant wish fulfillment on my part. |
Eh, sure. That works. |
Who is our erstwhile protagonist? Will he succumb to game-breaking glitches almost immediately? Find out next time on lucky7 Plays Skyrim!
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